Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014

Female camping shop owner and her employee tied up by female escapee

It is a Saturday afternoon in a small mountain town near the Canadian border. Camping shop owner Helmina Bound and her employee George Coward are doing the annual stock-taking. Then deputy sheriff Suzanne Parker comes into the shop and tells them that there could be a female escapee nearby and that they should be very careful. She tells them that she will come to see them later on again to be sure that everything is all right. George is scared and suggest to close the store but his boss gets angry and tells him that the stock-taking has to be done during the week-end. George feels quite humiliated by the authoritarian behavior of his tough female boss and retires into the store room. Some minutes later Helmina calls him. When he comes to see her he finds her at gunpoint menaced by the female escapee. The escapee forces Helmina to tie up and to gag her timid employee. The she is forced to hand over her cash and is tied and gagged, too. Some time later, also Sheriff Suzanne Parker is overpowered by the escapee and joins the helpless shop owner and her employee in captivity. Finally, the escapee heads off and some time later Suzanne's colleague finds the three bound and gagged captives and frees them.

Es ist Samstagnachmittag in einem kleinen amerikanischen Bergdorf nahe der kanadischen Grenze. Helmina Bound, Inhaberin eines Shops für Campingzubehör und ihr Mitarbeiter George Coward führen gerade die jährliche Inventur durch. Nach einer Weile kommt Deputy Sherif Suzanne Parker in den Laden und informiert die beiden darüber, dass sich eine gefährliche Ausbrecherin ganz in der Nähe befinden könnte. Sie sagt den beiden, sie mögen vorsichtig sein und dass sie später noch einmal vorbeischauen würde. George ist veränstigt und meint, es sei vielleicht besser, den Laden zu schließen. Doch Helmina fährt ihm harsch über den Mund und sagt, die Inventur müsse unbedingt an diesem Wochenende durchgeführt werden. Gedemütigt durch das autoritäre Gebaren seiner Chefin zieht sich George in den Lagerraum zurück. Wenig später wird er von Helmina gerufen. Als er zu ihr kommt, findet er sie in der Gewalt der Ausbrecherin. Helmina wird gezwungen, ihren schüchternen Angestellten zu fesseln und zu knebeln. Dann muss sie der Ausbrecherin den Kasseninhalt aushändigen und wird ebenfalls gefesselt und geknebelt. Einige Zeit später wird auch Sherif Suzanne Parker von der Banditin überwältigt und muss ebenfalls gefesselt und geknebelt der Ladeninhaberin und ihrem Angestellten Gesellschaft leisten. Schließlich macht die Ausbrecherin sich aus dem Staube und wenig später werden die Gefangenen von Suzanne's Kollegin gefunden und befreit.

Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014

Taped up in our pajamas

It was a saturday morning at 11 a.m. My wife and I were still wearing our pajamas. We had breakfast and were reading the newspaper. I was just telling my wife that there had be some armed robberies not far away from us in the last days and my wife wondered if such a thing could ever happen to us, too. Some seconds later we know that actually it could. When I saw the three masked guys in the backyard of our house it was to late to flee. The broke the glass of our door and before we could react, we were at gunpoint. While my wife was forced to hand over our cash and valuables to one of the guys the two other taped my up and gagged me. Some time later they brought back my wife who had been tape-gaged, too. She was also taped up and joined me in captivity. Helplessly bound and gagged we could were forced to wait were the guys were searching or whole house for more valuable. The only thing we could do was hope and pray...

Ich saß mit meiner Frau an einem Samstagmorgen gegen 11 Uhr beim Frühstück und wir hatten beide noch unsere Pyjamas an. Ich hatte gerade in der Zeitung gelesen, dass nicht weit von uns enfernt in vergangener Zeit mehrere Ehepaare mittleren Alters am hellichten Tag von einer Einbrecherbande überfallen, gefesselt und ausgeraubt worden waren. Meine Frau war entsetzt und fragte sich, ob uns nicht das gleiche passieren konnte. Es konnte, wie wir ein paar Sekunden später feststellen sollten. Als ich die drei maskierten Eindringlinge in unserem Garten bemerkte, war es schon zu spät, um zu fliehen.  Einer der Maskierten zerbrach die gläserne Terrassentür und kurz darauf wurden wir mit einer Pistole bedroht. Während meine Frau einem der Räuber unser Bargeld und unsere Wertsachen aushändigen musste, wurde ich von den zwei anderen unter demütigenden Bemerkungen mit Klebeband gefesselt und geknebelt. Wenig später brachten sie meine Frau zu mir, die inzwischen auch mit Klebeband geknebelt worden war. Sie wurde ebenfalls mit Klebeband gefesselt und musste sich neben mich setzen. Die Kerle waren mit der Beute noch nicht zufrieden und begannen, unser ganzes Haus zu durchwühlen. Sie drohten uns, sehr unangenehme Dinge mit uns anzustellen, falls wir Ihnen nicht mehr an Beute zu bieten hätten. Wir wurden völlig hilflos gefesselt und geknebelt zurückgelassen und konnten nur noch hoffen und beten...

Montag, 13. Januar 2014

Assaltados com a noss vizinho no condominio - Tied up with our neighbor in our own apartment

Era um sabado na tarde quando recebemos uma chamada de um vizinha. Dizia que era um assunto urgente e se podia dar um pulo no nosso apartamento. Mas quando a minha esposa abriu a porta, via a nossa vizinha com outra mulher que a ameaçava com uma pistola.  Forçou elas para entrar no apartamento e eu também foi rendido sem de ter coragem de fazer a minima resistencia. A ladrã obrigava a minha mulher para amarrar-me e depois a vizinha. Logo depois nos encontramos todos os tres com pés e mãos atados na sofa, esperando a nossa sorte. A nossa vizinha nos contou de voz baixa que tinha sida rendida ao sair dum shopping center e que tinha sida forçado para conduzir a ladrã ao condominio. A ladrã revistava o nosso apartamento e logo apareceu com algo dinheiro que tinha encontrado. Dizia que isto só era o começo e que a gente tinha de certeza muito mais dinheiro na nossa conta bancária. Nos loge compreedemos que iamos ficar ainda por muito tempo a mercê desta ladrã.

It was a saturday afternoon when we received a call from our neighbor. She told us that she had an urgent matter to discuss with us and if she could come over. We agreed and some time later my wife opened. She saw the scared face of our neighbor Susanna who was held at gunpoint by a female robber. The women were forced to enter the apartment and before I realized what was happening I was surrendered as well. My wife was forced to tie up first me and than our neighbor, before being tied up herself by the female robber. Soon we found ourselves with bound wrists and ankles on the couch, while the robber was searching the apartment for money and valuables. Soon the robber appeared with some money she had found and told us that this was only the beginning and that for sure we had much more money on our bank account. It became quite clear for us that we could expect to be restrained for a quite long time...

Rendidos no nosso proprio apartamento por falsa empregada- Captured in our own apartment by false housemaid

Estavamos procurando uma nova empregada e tinhamos posto um anuncio no jornal. Uma tarde, uma mulher nos chamou e dizia que era proximo de nós e se podia fazer sua candidatura. Como tinhamos urgencia, diziamos que podia passar logo. Mas quando eu abria a porta, fui logo ameaçado com uma pistola. Minha mulher também foi rendida e a falsa empregada a forçava de amarrar-me. Minha esposa foi também amarrada. Depois de revistar todo o nosso apartamento na procura de dinheiro e objetos de valor, a ladrã voltou com mais corda e nos amarrou mais severamente. Também fomos amordaçados. Um tempo depois minha mulher foi obrigada a chamar um vizinha para vir para nosso apartamento. Sob a ameaça da arma, minha mulher não teve outra escolha que de obedecer. Era bem obvio que o nosso pesadela só havia começado...

While living in our apartment in Brazil, we were searching for a new housemaid and had put an ad in a local newspaper. One afternoon a girl called as and told us that she was nearby and if she could come to see us and to apply for the job. As we had some urgency we asked here to come to see us the same day. Some time later I opened the door and found myself at gunpoint, menaced by a masked women. Me wife was surrendered too very soon and she was obliged to tie me up. Then she was tied up herself by the false housemaid. We were sitting tied up at the couch while the female robber searched our apartment for money and valuables. She appeared with some more rope and scarves and we were tied up more severly and gagged, too. She told me wife, that later on she had to call some wealthy neighbors and to ask them to come over to our flat. Me wife had no choice and soon, at gunpoint, she called the first female neighbor. It become quite clear for us that our nightmare had just begun...

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

Casal sequestrado na praia - Couple captured at Brazilian beach

Um casal está fazendo um passeio romántico na praia. Estão muito apaixonados e esquecem tudo ao redor de si. De repente, dão se conta que jà ésta anoitecendo e nessa hora esta praia está muito perigoso. Qurem ir embora, mas já é demasiado tarde. Um ladrão lhes ameaça com uma faca e o casal está sequestrado para uma area muito isolada da praia. Quando chegam ao esconderijo do ladrão, ele ata o casal numa árvore e vai embora para roubar mais. O casal amarrado é completamente indefeso e só pode rezar e esperar a sua sorte...

A couple of lovers has a romantic time at a Brazilian beach. They forget time and everything and suddenly night falls and at night, this beach becomes a very dangerous place. They decide to return, but it's too late, a robber approaches and suddenly they are at knifepoint.  The robber forces them to move forward and they are abducted to an isolated area of the beach. When they come to a wooded area which is the hideout of the robber, the defenseless couple is tied up on a tree. The robber leaves to do some more raids and leaves the bound couple alone. They only can hope and pray that they will be rescued before he returns...