Montag, 2. November 2015

The Halloween Captives

My wife and I we couldn't actually believe that it was really happening to us. I was late afternoon on 31th octobre and it had been a sunny day and so we had decided to do a long walk in a remote wooded area and we hadn't even thought that it was Halloween day. And then, suddenly, out off nowwhere, we were surounded by three weird figures apperently disguised as witches. They told us that it was really time to let us have it. One of them had a knife and they told us to move into the brushwood. We were completely scared and asked them what were the reason of all this. They laughed mockingly and told us, that, as apperently we weren't appreciating so much the Halloween custom, they would play a little trick on us to think it over again. Now we remembered that both we had made several posting in Facebook where we had ridiculed the Halloween practises in Germany and had written that it was only a commercial thing and that to disguise as monsters, witches and wizards and that there were absolutely no grace in all this bloodthirsty and macabre manners around the Halloween costum which was absolutely not suitable for Old Europe whith it's Christian background. And now we were captives of three completely weird witches which had apperently a lot of fun to have a helpless and completely inoffensive middle-aged couple at their complete mercy. After some time we were deep into the woods, and they told us to kneel down. Then they took off the scarves we were wearing and used them to gag us.
Then we were forced to stand against a tree and they pulled out some coils of rope they had hidden under their witch garment. We were thoroughly tied up and then we had to stand all kinds of fondling, frisking, fondling, insults and humilations during several hours. Then when night came, they head off and we had to spend the whole long and cold night hopelessly bound at the three. Fortunately the next morning we heard a barking of a dog and we were finally found and released by a woodwomen who was on patrol in the woods. The guys and girls who had tricked us were never caught, as they were disguised as witches and we weren't able to give any usefull description of them to the police...

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